Monday, March 10, 2008

Environment for the Soul

I was reviewing my notes this morning from Dr. Ed Young's sermon from yesterday. He told of the four ways to obtain and maintain Godly wisdom.
1. Conversion - to turn to Jesus. To confess what you are and what you believe yourself to be, ask him to change you, to Believe what he can actually do with you and who HE is. He is a Saviour! Your Saviour! Then commit your life to him.
2. Worship - Though we see singing and raising our hands, and yes this is it in one respect since praising God through the words of a song is the simplest form of worship...Yet it can be more complicated and more satisfying in your lifestyle! The way you live, everything you do, breathing, interacting with others all praising God!
3. Bible Study - Food for the soul, this is where teachability comes into play. Read it and allow it to change your life. Psalm 119:15 I will study your commandments and reflect on your ways.
4. Prayer - James 1:5 If you need wisdom-if you want to know what God wants you do-ask him, and he will gladly tell you. He will not resent your asking.

So as I was thinking about these things I begin to think "All of these things should pour into my lifestyle and help create an environment where God can mold and shape me into who he wants me to be." But then what kind of environment do I REALLY create for God. Since He lives within me I want to give him a home he is proud to call his. Hmmm something to think about. God sees what you see, knows what you are thinking at all times, hears what you hear, and then in the end when your are distraught, saddened, stressed, angry....I wonder why? We cause these things with the environment we give our heart and mind.

I also just got the new Natalie Grant CD: Relentless. It is phenomenal! There is a song called "In Better Hands", check it out: I <3 Natalie.

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