Tuesday, March 11, 2008

One month to Live

So I'm going to die in a month...not literally. So don't get freaked out. I'm just pretending-because of the book I'm reading. I really want to live like I'm dying. I don't want to miss out on life because I'm scared or stuck going through the motions. I want to live life with so much excitement and fulfillment clinging to my chariot driver, God. I want to allow myself be on a journey, my journey that God has bestowed upon me to live and enjoy, highs and lows included. Through my laughter and tears and anger I want to have the best time doing it. I do NOT want to ever look back and say "If only". I think about my friend Ray Kelley who passed away a month ago yesterday. He was 63 but didn't actually start to truely live life until the end. (Oh man I loved that guy, I really learned alot about life through him.)Yes he finally got it, but I'm sure he thought to himself at some point, "Why did it take me my whole life to get to this place."

I tend to thing that I live like a caged rabbit that daily sees the opened cage but decides to never leave because he knows that the owner will provide food and water everyday. If that silly rabbit leaves the cage it might face danger, it might not find food, it might not have any rabbit friends to run with, it might actually get shot. But the cage is never changes, life is always the same. Sitting, staring, eating, sleeping, and rabbit pellets.

But in reality I'm so indecisive of what leaving that cage actually means. I am so afraid of not having a plan and messing up or giving up the wrong thing that I just sit, and stare. I have lots of dreams for myself and things I might can do and do well. Many things I'm passionate about could take up my time and make me happy, joyful and fulfilled. I think... What does living with no regrets really mean? Hmmm so many things to think about. Maybe by the end of this book I'll really know what living like I'm dying really means for me personally.

There is a quote in the book by an anonymous person:


My analogy of truly taking captive to this for me would be pole vaulting. Have I ever pole vaulted in my life? No, not hardly. I really didn't even know this was something in real life, not just the movies and olympics until about a month ago. How fantastic of an adrenaline rush more than to be able to run with a long pole in your hands, plant it in the ground and shoot yourself across the air over a bar!!!! I think it would be an amazing accomplishment because, really there are many things to be scared of in pole vaulting...including killing you.

1 comment:

Regular, Jane said...

Wow, that is profound. I find that to be refreshing. It isn't easy being caged, sometimes by your own mind too. Hey I love you and I wanted to tell you that.
Danah (your sister-in-law)